domingo, junho 12, 2005


Curso de Verão

Entre 13 e 21 de Julho vai realizar-se, na Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Coimbra, um curso de Verão intitulado «Religion and International Law: Past and Present».

Os temas principais são os seguintes:
- «As if God existed» - Religion and International Law in History
- The Global Resurgence of Religion Facts Statistics and Analysis
- Religion and Literature in International Law Standard Texts
- The Religious Foundations of the Idea of Human Rights
- The Global Religious Resurgence and International Law
- Religious Freedom in the European Court of Human Rights
- International Law, Global Ethic And the Universability of Human Rights
- God, Global Public Health and International Law
- Secularism, Conscience, Religious Symbols and the Public Sphere
- Jewish Influence on International Law and Human Rights
- Judaic Sources of Democracy
- The Functions of Religious Freedom In a Religiously Divided World
- The French Ideal of «Laicité» and International Human Rights Law
- Religion, Neutrality and European Integration
- Religious Activism, NGO?s and International Popular Mobilization

A língua de trabalho será o inglês e as inscrições terminam no dia 1 de Julho.

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